KONICA MINOLTA 1st Quarter Financial Results 2014

(Units of less than 1 million yen have been omitted.)

1. Overview of performance (From April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014)

(1) Business performance

Percentage figures represent the change from the same period of the previous year.

[Millions of yen]
  Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income
FY Mar/2014 218,543 15.4% 7,818 23.3% 7,050 47.3% 9,774 -%
FY Mar/2013 189,373 1.7% 6,339 93.8% 4,786 87.3% 154 -%

Note: Comprehensive income
1Q Mar/2014: ¥ 19,445 million (- %)
1Q Mar/2013: ¥ (10,033) million (- %)

  Net income per share Net income per share
(after full dilution)
1Q Mar/2014 18.43 yen 18.39 yen
FY Mar/2013 0.29 yen 0.28 yen

(2) Financial position

[Millions of yen]
  Total assets Net assets Equity ratio (%)
June 30, 2013 952,724 482,094 50.4%
March 31, 2013 940,553 466,416 49.4%

Note: Shareholders' equity
As of June 30, 2013: ¥ 480,500 million
As of March 31, 2013: ¥ 464,904 million

2. Dividends per share

  1Q 2Q 3Q Year-end Total annual
FY Mar/2013 - 7.50 - 7.50 15.00
FY Mar/2014 -        
FY Mar/2014 (forecast)   10.00 - 7.50 17.50

Note: Change to the latest dividend forecast announced: None

Breakdown for dividends of 2Q Mar/2014 (forecast)
Common dividend: ¥ 7.50
Commemorative dividend: ¥ 2.50

3. Consolidated results forecast for fiscal year ending March 31, 2014 (From April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014)

Percentage figures for the full year represent the change from the previous fiscal year.

[Millions of yen]
  Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income Net income per share
Full-year 900,000 10.7% 55,000 35.3% 53,000 36.2% 26,000 71.9% 49.03 yen

Note: Change to the latest consolidated results forecast announced: None


  1. Changes in status of material subsidiaries during the quarter under review (Changes to specified subsidiaries accompanying the additional consolidation or removal from consolidation of companies): Yes - excluded three subsidiaries: Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc.,
    Konica Minolta Advanced Layers, Inc.,
    Konica Minolta Technology Center, Inc.

    Note: For more detailed information, please see the"(1) Changes in Status of Material Subsidiaries during the Quarter under Review" in the section 2. SUMMARY INFORMATION (NOTES) on page 12.

  2. Adoption of special accounting treatment used in preparation of the quarterly consolidated financial statements:  Yes

    Note: For more detailed information, please see the"(2) Adoption of Special Accounting Treatment used in Preparation of the Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements" in the section 2. SUMMARY INFORMATION (NOTES) on page 12.

  3. Changes in accounting policy, changes in accounting estimates, or restatement due to correction
    1. Changes in accounting policy accompanying amendment of accounting principles  None
    2. Changes in accounting policy other than "a.":  None
    3. Changes in accounting estimates:  None
    4. Restatement due to correction:  None
  4. Number of outstanding shares (common stock)
    1. Outstanding shares at period-end (including treasury stock)
      First quarter of fiscal year ending March 31, 2014: 531,664,337 shares
      Fiscal year ended March 31, 2013: 531,664,337 shares
    2. Treasury stock at period-end
      First quarter of fiscal year ending March 31, 2014: 1,348,934 shares
      Fiscal year ended March 31, 2013: 1,346,048 shares
    3. Average number of outstanding shares
      First quarter of fiscal year ending March 31, 2014: 530,316,486 shares
      First quarter of fiscal year ended March 31, 2013: 530,281,338 shares

Presentation of Present Status of Quarterly Review Procedures

This "First Quarter Consolidated Financial Results" is not subject to quarterly review procedures in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and, as of the date of publication of these quarterly consolidated financial results, the quarterly review procedures for the consolidated quarterly financial statements are currently in progress.

Explanation of Appropriate Use of Performance Projections and Other Special Items

(Note on forward-looking statements)

This document contains projections of performance and other projections that were made based on information currently available and certain assumptions judged to be reasonable. The Group makes no warranty as to the achievability of the projections. There is a possibility that diverse factors may cause actual performance, etc., to differ materially from the projections. Please see the "(3) Outlook for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2014" in the section 1. CONSOLIDATED OPERATING RESULTS on page 11"for more information on points to be remembered in connection with assumptions for projections and the use of projections.

(How to obtain supplementary information and information on a financial results briefing)

The Group will hold a financial results briefing for institutional investors on Tuesday, July 30, 2013. Descriptions at the briefing and presentation slides to be used at the briefing will be posted on the website of the Group immediately after the briefing.