
Konica Minolta Awarded RobecoSAM Gold Class, for Two Consecutive Years

February 20, 2019

Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) was awarded Gold Class by RobecoSAM, which is headquartered in Switzerland and the world’s leading research and rating company in the ESG investment field, for two consecutive years. Among Japanese companies, only 5 companies received this prestigious title.

Sustinability Award Gold Class 2019

Among all the companies in the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics sector, Konica Minolta has been ranked first in the environmental dimension for five consecutive years and in the social dimension for the first time, and received the highest score in total, which earned the company the prestigious title of Industry Leader for the second consecutive year.

In the economic dimension, Konica Minolta was also given the highest scores in its sector in the categories of Materiality, Risk & Crisis Management, Customer Relationship Management, Tax Strategy, Innovation Management, and Privacy Protection out of 10 categories.

Furthermore, Konica Minolta is the only company in this sector that was awarded Gold Class. We believe that this result reflects the fact that Konica Minolta has been successfully addressing the six issues of materiality in its CSR activities.

Six Issues of Materiality Identified by Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta has identified the following six issues of materiality that need to be given priority in its CSR activities:

  • Environment
  • Social innovation
  • Customer satisfaction and product safety
  • Responsible supply chain
  • Human capital
  • Diversity

Konica Minolta is determined to promote group-wide efforts globally to address these issues of materiality with the aim of helping to solve global environmental issues, improving quality of life and eventually achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030.

■ RobecoSAM

RobecoSAM is the world’s leading ESGresearch and rating company headquartered in Switzerland. RobecoSAM invites more than 3,500 of the largest companies around the world to participate in its Corporate Sustainability Assessment and analyzes the results in economic, environmental and social terms with a focus on long-term value creation.
In 2019, 236 companies (including 20 Japanese companies) were ranked in its Gold, Silver and Bronze Classes.

Reference: Evaluation by External Parties

Konica Minolta has received high evaluation in various ESG-related global indexes and rankings.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (USA, Switzerland)Included in the World Index (DJSI World) each year since 2012 and in the Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) each year since 2009
FTSE4Good Index (UK)Included in the FTSE4Good Index each year since 2003
FTSE Blossom Japan Index (UK)Included in the index that was launched in 2017
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes (USA)Included in the index in consecutive years since 2010
*No information is available as to whether or not the company was included in the indexes prior to 2010.
*The index is renamed from MSCI Global SRI in 2017.
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index (USA)Included in the index that was launched in 2017
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (USA)Included in the index that was launched in 2017
Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index (Japan)Included in the Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index each year since 2003
RobecoSAM (Switzerland)Awarded Gold Class for two consecutive years since 2018
Corporate Knights (Canada)Listing among the “2019 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” (January2019)
oekom research AG (Germany)Maintained the highest Prime Status since 2011
Ethibel (Belgium)Selected for the investment universe of Ethibel Pioneer and Ethibel Excellence (March2018)
CDP (UK)Awarded Supplier Engagement Leader for two consecutive years since 2018

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