Stakeholder Engagement

Basic Concept

Konica Minolta believes that dialogue with diverse stakeholders including customers, employees, the local and global communities, business partners, shareholders and investors is essential to create both social and business value.
Therefore, each division in charge engages in daily dialogue, and the company also proactively creates opportunities for communication, including at the executive level, while disclosing information using various communication tools to help people understand Konica Minolta’s approach.
The opinions acquired from conversations with stakeholders are reviewed and urgent concerns are reported to management, facilitating improvements in management, products and services.

Stakeholder Engagement Activities


Konica Minolta does business around the world. The major customers of Konica Minolta’s main business operations are corporations, government agencies, and hospitals.

Tools and Opportunities for Communication Main Issues Incorporation of Feedback into Management, Products and Services
●Providing customer service via websites and call centers
●Providing product information via websites and newsletters
●Conducting customer satisfaction surveys
●Exchanging information via visits to customers
●Exchanging information at showrooms and trade shows
●Holding seminars
●Increasing customer satisfaction by providing top-tier quality and reliability from the customer’s perspective ●Improving product and service quality based on results of customer satisfaction surveys
●Solving customers’ issues


Konica Minolta employs 39,775 people worldwide. Of those, 25% are in Japan, 25% are in Europe, 19% are in the U.S., and 31% are in China and elsewhere in Asia and other locations. (Figures are based on total regular employees of consolidated companies, as of March , 2023.)

Tools and Opportunities for Communication Main Issues Incorporation of Feedback into Management, Products and Services
●Interactive intranet
●Group journal
●Employee engagement survey
●Dialogue with labor unions
●Whistle-blowing System
●Discussion during inspection tours of production sites by senior staff
● Video messages from the CEO
●Enhancing human capital—the source of value creation—based on health management
●Enhancing human capital so that individuals thrive by fostering a culture that increases productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction
●Establishing environments that spark innovation to create value
● Implementing various human resources development programs
● Improving lifestyle habits by presenting future disease risk for each individual

Local and global communities

Throughout its global operations, Konica Minolta acts as a responsible member of every community where it operates.

Tools and Opportunities for Communication Main Issues Incorporation of Feedback into Management, Products and Services
●Activities that contribute to local communities
● Community briefings and invitational events
● Sending speakers to lectures and places of education
● Industry group activities
● Environmental reports and websites
● Global public relations activities through international publications and websites
●Communicating with local communities and disclosing corporate information in a timely and fair manner
● Existing in harmony with local communities
● Developing the next generation of employees
● Enhancing information disclosed in a timely manner via international publications and websites
● Planning activities that contribute to local communities

Business partners

Konica Minolta procures raw materials, parts and components from many suppliers for each of the Group’s businesses. The majority of these suppliers are located in Japan, China, and elsewhere in Asia.

Tools and Opportunities for Communication Main Issues Incorporation of Feedback into Management, Products and Services
● Holding suppliers’ meetings
● Procurement Collaboration System
● Conducting CSR surveys (self-assessment questionnaires)
● Visiting suppliers to exchange information
●Co-creation of shared value by business partners, customers, and Konica Minolta
● CSR in the supply chain
● Strengthening relationships by sharing information with business partners

Shareholders and investors

Since Konica Minolta, Inc. has relatively high ownership by institutional and foreign shareholders, the company is expected to proactively take part in IR initiatives on a global basis.

See Communication with Shareholders and Investors for basic concept and implementation status of the communication.

Tools and Opportunities for Communication Main Issues Incorporation of Feedback into Management, Products and Services
●Shareholders’ meetings
● Briefings for investors
● Visits to investors
● Briefings for business analysts and institutional investors
● Integrated reports
● IR website
●Sustainable growth and increasing corporate value through constructive dialogue ●Increasing management quality through constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors

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