About Konica Minolta

Sustainability Reporting Policy

The Konica Minolta Sustainability Website (hereinafter, the "site") reports on specific initiatives to address material issues that Konica Minolta (hereinafter, the "Company") is pursuing. The Company also issues an annual Integrated Report that summarizes information of interest to investors and shareholders, as well as financial and non-financial information that is of great importance to Konica Minolta. The purpose of the site, however, is to provide even more detailed sustainability information.
In recent years, with the growing investor interest in non-financial corporate information, the Company decided to disclose all of its sustainability information promptly and comprehensively on this website. It stopped publishing both its CSR Report and Environmental Report in 2020.
The online content is prepared based on various global guidelines and the information needs of stakeholders.
A PDF version of the site is posted on this website about two months after the content is initially posted.

Report Boundary

Information on the site covers Konica Minolta, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. When data is given on a specific subset of companies, the boundary is separately indicated.
Note: At this site, “Konica Minolta” refers to the Konica Minolta Group.
In addition, in the event of changes in consolidated subsidiaries during the period, such as the acquisition or the opening or closing of new bases, environment-related data for production companies with a significant environmental impact are reflected in the actual results on a monthly basis.

Reporting Period

In principle, the site covers activities undertaken from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Some sections may include information on earlier initiatives or more recent activities. At the site, “fiscal 2023” refers to the fiscal year that started April 1, 2023 and ended March 31, 2024.

Publication Date

October 2024 (Next report: scheduled for September 2025; previous report: October 2023)

Adherence to Global Guidelines

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
    Konica Minolta reports in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
  • United Nations Global Compact
  • ISO 26000, ISO30414
  • Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018

For a comparison of the GRI Standards, SASB, United Nations Global Compact, and ISO26000, please see the Guideline Comparison Chart.

External Assurance

External Assurance has been performed by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. for some of the Company's environmental and social initiative data for fiscal 2022 (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023; except for the 'Percentage of Employees with Disabilities', which is as of June 1, 2023). Please refer to the external assurance statement for more information.

Related Information

Obtain other Konica Minolta publications from the Document Download page.
●Integrated Report (Annual Report) ● Corporate Governance Report ● Intellectual Property Report  ● IT Performance Report

For inquiries regarding the information on this site:

Corporate Planning Division, Konica Minolta, Inc.


In addition to facts about past or present circumstances, this site contains descriptions of the Group’s current plans and projections for the future. These descriptions are based on information that is currently available and have been deemed reasonable based on the Group’s current status. The Group’s actual performance could differ from its predictions due to future changes in the business environment.

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