Data Management Software CA-S20w

Changes from previous versions

Additional Information Regarding Ver. 2.40

  • Operation under Windows® 8.1 Pro 32 bit (x86), Windows® 8.1 Pro 64 bit (x64), Windows® 10 Pro 32 bit (x86), and Windows® 10 Pro 64 bit (x64) has been confirmed.

Changes from Ver. 2.30 to Ver. 2.40

Compatible instruments:

  • Compatibility with 2D Color Analyzer CA-2500 added.

Specification changes:

  • Shortcut to instruction manual added to Help menu.
  • Error message shown when self-diagnosis file or measurement temporary file could not be saved modified for clarity.
  • Company name changed from Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc. to Konica Minolta, Inc.

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Error in which the exposure range setting did not match the rotated condition when using the image rotation function.
  • Error in which files could not be saved to the root directory of a drive (although the OS may still prevent saving to the root directory in some cases).
  • Error in which the finder image was not updated after an exposure error occurred when using automatic exposure.

Changes from Ver. 2.20 to Ver. 2.30

Specification changes:

  • Added capability to obtain measurement data rotated by 90°, 180°, and 270° so that the orientation of the obtained data will match the orientation of the instrument.

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:
  • Problem in which some data were lost if the folder containing a measurement data file was moved or copied and the file was opened and then Save (not Save As) was performed.
  • Rare problem in which the self-diagnosis function returned a warning even though the instrument was operating normally.
  • Problem in which the Multi exposure setting cannot be read properly when using the GetMeasurementConditionAsFile method in automation.

Changes from Ver. 2.10 to Ver. 2.20

Computing environment:

  • Windows® 7 Professional 32 bit (x86), Windows® 7 Professional 64 bit (x64) have been added to the list of compatible OS.

Specification changes:

  • Link to open the Instruction Manual pdf file has been added to the Start menu.
  • The default setting for the number of decimal places when exporting data to a text file has been changed from 2 places to 4 places.

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:
  • Problem that occurs when multiple spots are set and data is accumulated in a single file.
  • Problem that occurred when several measurements were taken using the same data name and the file was saved.
  • Problem in which a data name of up to 30 characters could not be set using the SetName method when using automation.

Changes from Ver. 2.02 to Ver. 2.10

Specification change:

  • Finder image quality has been improved.

Changes from Ver. 2.01 to Ver. 2.02

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Problem which occurred when the threshold value was changed with Auto Extraction set to ON.
  • Problem in which spot statistics (maximum value, average value, etc.) were incorrect in some cases.

Additional functions:

  • For spot settings, capability to enable/disable simultaneous automatic extraction of multiple sports has been added.

Specification change:

  • Processing time related to spot functions has been improved.

Changes from Ver. 1.33 to Ver. 2.01

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Problem in which exposure setting frame was sometimes not updated.
  • Problem in which the threshold value was sometimes not properly set when performing spot setting.
  • Problem in which improper operation sometimes occurred when using multiple measuring instruments and switching between instruments without restarting software.
  • Problem in which only 30 characters could be input for the comment in the property dialog for measurement data.
  • Problem in which copying/pasting of RGB object did not function properly sometimes.
  • Other minor bugs

Additional functions:

  • Color region user calibration
    User calibration in which user calibration coefficients are applied to only the data within the specified color region.
  • Spot auto extraction
    Areas within the spot measurement frame with luminance exceeding the threshold value are automatically extracted and evaluated. This is convenient for measuring subjects with different luminance levels, such as automotive dashboard meters.
  • Multiple exposure
    Measurement is taken while varying the exposure setting and combined into a single data. Useful for measuring subjects with mixed areas of high luminance and low luminance, such as high-contrast displays.
  • Viewing angle correction
    Divides screen into areas according to viewing angle and applies correction factors to the Lv value of each area. This enables measurements of subjects such as displays for which a viewing angle is generated to be corrected for the viewing angle to obtain measurements as if the entire screen area was measured normal to the screen.
  • Image correction
    Detects the bezel (frame around light-emitting area) for a display, etc. viewed at an angle, and corrects the image to a rectangular image as if viewed from directly in front of the screen surface.
    Can also correct for cases in which the screen image is slanted due to misalignment between position of screen and instrument.
  • Distribution cross section of luminance/chromaticity in an arbitrary direction Cross section of measurement data along a straight line connecting two arbitrary points can be viewed.

Specification change:

  • Warning message displayed when error occurs during self diagnosis has been changed.


  • For the mura control graph, when Point or Section is selected in the Save Text popout menu, the original value (Lv, etc.) for the mura calculations will be output.
  • Image correction calculates correction factors based on the ratio between vertical and horizontal lengths of the rectangular image. Because of this, even if the angle of the measurement subject is less than 45°C, it may not be possible to judge between vertical and horizontal depending on the setup status of the measurement subject, and so normal correction may not be possible.

Changes from Ver. 1.32 to Ver. 1.33

Bug fixes:

The following bug which was present in Ver. 1.32 and previous versions has been fixed:

  • When measurement was performed after setting user calibration using automation functions, the user calibration values were not reflected in the measurement.

Changes from Ver. 1.31 to Ver. 1.32

Bug fixes:

The following bug which was present in Ver. 1.31 and previous versions has been fixed:

  • Under certain environments, self-diagnosis could not be completed successfully.

Changes from Ver. 1.30 to Ver. 1.31

Bug fixes:

The following bugs which were present in Ver. 1.30 and previous versions have been fixed:

  • Spot values could not be displayed when measurements were taken under certain conditions.
  • Measurement data imported from a CA-S15w did not match the original measurement data.
  • Folders could be created with a final space in the folder name, which made it impossible to delete the folder in Explorer. In Ver. 1.31, if a space is present at the end of the name of a created folder, the space is automatically deleted.

Changes from Ver. 1.20 to Ver. 1.30

Specification changes:

Computing environment:
Windows Vista Business 32 bit (x86) and Windows Vista Business 64 bit (x64) have been added to the list of compatible OS.
Bug Fix:
The bug in previous versions in which it was not possible to read some files has been fixed.

Changes from previous version

Functions added in CA-S20w Ver. 1.20

Function Explanation
Self Diagnosis function Performs diagnostic operations for the instrument and determines whether the instrument is functioning properly.
Ignore pixel setting After taking a measurement of subjects with emitting and non-emitting areas (such as a car instrument panel, etc.), the software can be set to ignore unnecessary areas (areas which are not lit) in determining measurement results.
Simple setting of spot measurement areas It is now possible to set desired spot measurement areas by double-clicking on the point. In addition, when editing spot measurement positions, the spot value changes in real time, so it is easier to set the desired position.
Spot comment settings It is now possible to set a comment for each measurement spot position and have this comment appear on the spot measurement screen.
Spot center position display A cross can be displayed to clearly indicate the center of the measurement spot.

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