[Konica Minolta Planetarium "Manten"]

The special experience of being enveloped by stars

Konica Minolta’s Manten planetarium has been loved by local residents and astronomy enthusiasts for 40 years since it opened in 1978. We’ve updated the facility every few years to ensure that people can continue to enjoy astronomy. This time around, we designed an experience that invites visitors to ride on clouds, recline on land, and envelop themselves in a night sky full of glittering stars.

Set your sensations free and recapture the original you​

Our goal was to create the ultimate healing space based on the concept of setting your sensations free. The idea was to reset perceptions that have been paralyzed by the glaring light and noise of the city in a setting of absolute darkness and quiet so that you can recapture the original you.

An interactive video that lets visitors enjoy themselves while they wait​

Lighting as visitors enter the facility​

Cloud and grass seats that create a sense of openness and freedom​

designer's Interview
