Changes from previous versions

Changes from Ver. 2.22 to Ver. 2.30

Compatible instruments:

  • Compatibility with firmware ver. 1.10 (Ø3 mm Mini Petri Dish capability) of Spectrophotometer CM-5 and Chroma Meter CR-5 has been added.

Specification changes:

  • Added Portuguese as software display language. (Please note that Navigation and Precise Color Communication installed with Portuguese version are still in English.)
  • Added capability to display calculated values for ASTM E313-96 Whiteness and Tint values outside limits defined in standards.

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Problem in which HASP driver failed during software installation.
  • Problem which occurred when certain operations were performed when reading data created with Spectrophotometer CM-5/Chroma Meter CR-5 and stored on USB memory device (*.bdt file).
  • Several other minor bugs.

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