Changes from previous versions

Changes from Ver. 3.10 to Ver. 3.20

Compatible instruments:

  • Spectrophotometers CM-36dG, CM-36dGV, and CM-36d have been added to the list of compatible instruments.

Product specifications:

  • When using a CM-26dG or CM-25cG with measurement mode set to "Color & Gloss", even if an over measurement range error occurs for gloss measurement, the spectral reflectance values will still be received.
  • When selecting an image for display in the Job function on the CM-26dG/CM-26d/CM-25d, jpeg and png formats have been added to the usable formats. In addition, automatic resizing of images has been added, so that the original image size is no longer limited to 240 (w) x 128 (h) pixels.

Bug fixes:

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • When using a CM-3600A, UV adjustment results were cleared from memory when zero calibration was performed or the instrument was switched off and switched back on.
  • When uploading data linked to a target color from an instrument, the illuminant and observer conditions set on the instrument for the target were used.
  • When using Sensor Sync with a CM-25cG, if Gloss Only data was included in the data stored in the instrument, it was not possible to upload other data from the instrument.
  • Other minor bugs.

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